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Block Explorer

What is a Block Explorer?


A Block Explorer is an online blockchain browser - it registers and displays the contents of transactions, transaction histories and balances of public addresses. If you’re wondering what a public or private address is, we’re going to look into that in more detail later on in a dedicated lesson.


So, now you know what a Block Explorer is – but why does it matter?


Block Explorer 101


Block Explorers are examples of decentralised websites. That means that all information comes directly from the blockchain, as opposed to a centralised database. In fact, the only thing centralised parties control at all are the front-end aspects of the website! The open source nature of Block Explorers also means that if one is shut down, another can be built in its place with relative ease.


Block Explorers come in many different flavours. Most of the best known are powered by the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains – the former has many website options, including and, while the latter has websites such as


What these sites have in common is the ability to view blocks as they are being mined in real-time.


Every transaction can be viewed and all data relating to it is made accessible.


For advanced users, who already know about these blocks and understand their full significance, this is extremely valuable.


The relevant data which can be accessed includes:


  1. The block’s ‘reward’.

  2. The device used to mine said block.

  3. The ‘difficulty score’ of each block (how hard it was to mine).

  4. The byte size of each block. This is capped at 1MB for Bitcoin, but it varies for other cryptocurrencies.

  5. The constituent transactions of each block, which includes the amount sent and received, public addresses of senders and recipients, fees and confirmations - amongst other things.


What can a Block Explorer be used for?


Of course, knowing what a Block Explorer does isn’t the same as knowing why it’s important.


These websites have a variety of uses for the crypto-conscious user.


By using a Block Explorer, you can:


  1. Check address balances.

  2. Track coin transfer histories.

  3. Keep an eye on transaction acceptance.

  4. Monitor other statistics and variables.

  5. Decentralised websites also have other applications which are worth exploring.


Decentralisation in action


Block Explorers aren’t the only example of decentralised websites. Some provide an open API meaning anyone can develop a new website or dApp on top of their blockchain.


Blockchain – as impressive as it is – may eventually simply be remembered for lighting the spark that led to mass decentralisation. Block Explorers are just one example of those sparks...




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